7 Myths About Working As A Professional Photographer

7 Myths About Working As A Professional Photographer

Turning a hobby or passion into a way to make a living is something many people dream of. In the world of photography, it’s perfectly possible if you have good camera skills and determination. There are many misconceptions about working as a professional photographer, and some of these are perpetuated by the industry. There are…

What is the difference between a Nikon 50mm f1.8D and 50mm f1.8G lens? And which one should you buy?

What is the difference between a Nikon 50mm f1.8D and 50mm f1.8G lens? And which one should you buy?

It’s a common question among beginners – Which one should I buy? The 50mm F1.8G lens Or the 50mm f1.8D lens   Well if you’re reading this in 2018, then the most likely answer is  – 50mm f1.8G. But let’s see why. A lot of websites out there compare the image sharpness, bokeh quality, etc…

Five Practical Reasons Why Photography is a Useful and Special Hobby

Five Practical Reasons Why Photography is a Useful and Special Hobby

When it comes to making a case for learning and developing photography as a hobby, the usual answers lie in the realm of esoteric philosophical answers like – it helps you to see and understand the beauty of the world, it helps you respect nature and beauty, and so on. While that is true, photography…

Three Common Composition Mistakes Made by Beginner Photographers

Three Common Composition Mistakes Made by Beginner Photographers

Composing a shot is a skill that can prove to be elusive for many photographers. Some people are born with a “photographer’s eye” while others need to gradually learn and get better at it. But even the best can make mistakes and here are three of those common ones: 1. Not straightening the horizon An…

Evaluative (Matrix) Metering vs. Spot Metering: A Comparison

Evaluative (Matrix) Metering vs. Spot Metering: A Comparison

Understanding the metering system in a camera can help you get the correct exposure very quickly. The two most common types of metering systems are – Evaluative (Canon)/Matrix (Nikon), which is the default metering system and Spot Metering. When you take a shot, the camera works by taking into account the exposure for a certain…

How to Shoot the Milky Way Using a DSLR. A Step-by-Step Tutorial by Sadiq Dastagir.
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How to Shoot the Milky Way Using a DSLR. A Step-by-Step Tutorial by Sadiq Dastagir.

This is a guest post by Sadiq Dastagir, a film maker and photographer from Pune, India. Sadiq, tell us something about yourself. My name is Sadiq Dastagir. I’m from Pune city and I am a film-maker by profession. Photography is something that was always on my mind since my composition skills were decent but when…

It’s Often Better to Rent Lenses and Other Equipment Rather Than Buying

It’s Often Better to Rent Lenses and Other Equipment Rather Than Buying

We all are aware that photography isn’t the cheapest of hobbies. Getting your hands on quality equipment can prove to be a costly affair. But there is a way out. When you’re starting out learning photography, there is no point in buying expensive lenses and accessories straight away. Unless you can easily afford them, you are…

Three Mobile Apps That Every Landscape Photographer Must Have

Three Mobile Apps That Every Landscape Photographer Must Have

As with anything else, mobile apps are beginning to create a huge impact in the world of digital photography too. One of the areas where they can really make your job easy is that of landscape photography. Let’s take a look at three important apps that every landscape photographer should install on their phones: 1….

6 Ways to Find Inspiration and Spice Up Your Photography Journey

6 Ways to Find Inspiration and Spice Up Your Photography Journey

Photography is a creative art that needs feeding and nurturing. There’s a risk all your photographs will begin to look the same if you don’t find new inspiration and push the boundaries. It’s okay to develop your style as a photographer, but it’s important that you experiment and try new things to keep your images…