How to Shoot Starry Nights With a DSLR From the Comfort of Your Home
Capturing starry nights on your DSLR is always an idea that is bound to fascinate and arise curiosity in every photographer, at some point of time.
Capturing starry nights on your DSLR is always an idea that is bound to fascinate and arise curiosity in every photographer, at some point of time.
Blurring water in Sea Photography is a cool effect that can be effectively put to use where water is moving. While blurring waterfalls and achieving that silky effect is pretty common, I’ve noticed that not many beginners use the same concept of a slower shutter speed to blur sea or ocean waves on a beach…
Levitation photography is a type of photography where you make things fly and make it look like that people or objects are flying or floating in the air. It can be a lot of fun, especially when you are starting out. It’s a type of photography that has the potential to continually knock on your…
There are three types of photographers – one, who prefer to stick to minimal editing and consider the image that comes straight out of the camera (SOOC) to be just about the final one.
Capturing light trails is a form of photography that fascinates almost every photographer at some point of time. When done rightly, the streaks of lights produced by the headlights and taillights of vehicles in motion can really give a very desirable illusion of motion. So let’s see how to do this amazing type of long…
One of most common mistakes that even advanced photographers make is that they assume that the only way to get amazing shots is to use high end equipment.