Three Mobile Apps That Every Landscape Photographer Must Have

Three Mobile Apps That Every Landscape Photographer Must Have

As with anything else, mobile apps are beginning to create a huge impact in the world of digital photography too. One of the areas where they can really make your job easy is that of landscape photography. Let’s take a look at three important apps that every landscape photographer should install on their phones: 1….

Here Are 7 Ways to Improve Your Photography Instantly

Here Are 7 Ways to Improve Your Photography Instantly

Digital cameras are cheap to buy and easy to use, so they have made photography accessible to everyone. Traditional film photography was expensive, time-consuming and required high levels of technical ability. The rise of digital photography has led to a huge increase in the number of pictures taken, but the quality hasn’t improved at the…

How Photography Changed My Life: Swapneel Sathe , Tax Consultant, Pune.

How Photography Changed My Life: Swapneel Sathe , Tax Consultant, Pune.

An introduction about who you are, what you do for a living and how you got into photography.  Hello friends, I am Swapneel Sathe, a Tax Consultant by profession. I stay in Pune with my wife, two kids and my father. My other hobbies are – drawing, painting, listening to music, writing articles on music,…

An Interview With Deep Achtani, a Kids and Baby Photographer from Pune

An Interview With Deep Achtani, a Kids and Baby Photographer from Pune

We met with Deep Achtani, a popular kids and baby photographer from Pune, to discuss his journey into the world of photography and to get a close look at the nitty gritty of being involved in this exciting and ever-growing genre of photography. Tell us something about yourself Hi there. I’m Deep Achtani, a kids…

How Photography Changed My Life: Mudita Chaurasia , IT Professional, Pune.

How Photography Changed My Life: Mudita Chaurasia , IT Professional, Pune.

An introduction about who you are, what you do for a living and how you got into photography.  Hello Friends!! This is Mudita Chaurasia and I am from Madhya Pradesh, working in an IT Firm in Pune and a photographer at heart. My hobbies include dancing, exploring unknown places and of course capturing the beauty…

How Photography Changed My Life: Yusuf Dilawer, IT Professional, Pune.

How Photography Changed My Life: Yusuf Dilawer, IT Professional, Pune.

An introduction about who you are, what you do for a living and how you got into photography.  From being a Mumbaikar for around 21 years to now officially being a Punekar for 3 years, I am an IT Professional. I am highlighting some beautiful experiences in my journey of photography with the help of…

How Photography Changed My Life: Divya Kanwar, IT Professional, Pune.

How Photography Changed My Life: Divya Kanwar, IT Professional, Pune.

An introduction about who you are, what you do for a living and how you got into photography.  Originally a pahari from  Himachal Pradesh ,I  have been staying in Pune City for the last 9 years and currently working as an IT Professional. With this article, I am extremely obliged to share my journey of…

Which is The Best and Cheapest Camera Bag in the Market? Here’s the Answer

Which is The Best and Cheapest Camera Bag in the Market? Here’s the Answer

One of the most common questions I get from my students is related to purchasing the right camera bag. In this e-mail, I will share with you what I feel is the best camera bag that is extremely affordable too. A good camera bag should have the following features: Large enough to accommodate at least…

Photography Tip Of The Day: Using Google Images To Get Ideas

Photography Tip Of The Day: Using Google Images To Get Ideas

One of the biggest challenges you will face as a photographer is to get newideas on how to compose a shot.   I was once doing a food shoot for a popular cafe in Pune where I was required to take shots of a hot chocolate beverage.     I was used to shooting normal soda based beverages as it’s easy to create various type of effects…