Bounce Flash Photography Tutorial and Its Importance

Bounce Flash Photography Tutorial and Its Importance

In this video we will be learning the art of bounce flash photography by pointing our off-camera flash to bounce off the ceilings and walls in an indoor setting. You will realize that when you bounce the flash, it creates a really soft light and the subject looks much more flattering as harsh shadows and…

Shooting Silky Looking Water – Camera Settings and ND Filter

Shooting Silky Looking Water – Camera Settings and ND Filter

In this video we will be learning how to shoot silky looking flowing water using a slow shutter speed and a Neutral Density (ND) filter. We will be seeing how changing the different camera settings can help us get the correct shot. Here is the video: This video is from our Photography for Beginners course,…

Off-Camera Flash for Indoor Portrait Photography

Off-Camera Flash for Indoor Portrait Photography

In this video we will be learning how to use an off-camera flash to shoot some indoor studio portraits. We will be using multiple speedlight set-ups to get different types of results. We will also be looking at the camera settings for these type of shots. Here is the video: This video is from our…

Using Off-Camera Flash for Outdoor Portraits

Using Off-Camera Flash for Outdoor Portraits

In this video I’ll be showing you how to use an off-camera flash to shoot outdoor portraits. I will be using different settings to balance the ambient light and flash exposure, which will result in different types of dramatic looking shots. Here is the video: This video is from our Off-Camera Flash for Beginners Course,…

Balancing Ambient Light and Flash – Off-Camera Flash Tutorial

Balancing Ambient Light and Flash – Off-Camera Flash Tutorial

In this video we will be learning how to balance ambient light and flash exposure when you are shooting outdoors. We will be seeing how different settings like ISO, Aperture, Shutter Speed and Flash Output affect this balance. Here is the video: This video is from our Off-Camera Flash for Beginners Course, which has 33…