Do you want to become a Photography Trainer?

Being a photography trainer or instructor is one of the most underrated professions in my opinion.

I started teaching photography back in 2013 and it literally changed my life because it allowed me to enjoy photography on a completely different level.

Here’s the thing – There are three ways to earn from photography:

  • By providing photography services
  • By selling your photographs
  • By teaching photography

Usually most aspiring photographers only think of the first two.

Why not add the third too?

It doesn’t have to be an either this or that scenario.

You can choose multiple ways to make money from your photography skill.

Because the best part is that teaching photography perfectly complements doing photography. Let me explain this.

Suppose you are a photographer who does studio portrait photography in your city and you become well known.

So that’s one source of income.

But now you can use that same expertise of doing studio portrait photography to teach and increase your income.

For instance, you can:

  • Conduct studio portrait photography workshops in your city and teach beginners how you do things
  • Create online courses around studio portrait photography. Check out my own online courses to get an idea.

I know what you might be thinking -“Kush, won’t doing that increase my own competition?

The answer is No.

In fact it will help your business.


Because your network and brand will become bigger.

More people will come to know of you.

That is the bigger picture you have to look at.

Teaching photography actually turns you into an authority in your industry.

It’s one of the best ways to develop your name because it is the only way where your name grows WHILE you earn.

You get to have your cake and eat it too.

Now the questions is – How can you become a photography trainer?

I’ve got good news for you.

In April 2020, I started a brand new business called Click Trainers, where I teach people how to create and sell online courses.

Online courses are even better than workshops because they allow you to earn passive income and at the same time reach more number of people.

For example, till 2018, I only used to conduct photography workshops in Pune. I was limited geographically. But when I developed my first online course, my reach expanded to the whole world. Currently I have students from 163 countries.

And the best part is that the software and tools needed to develop online courses is not that expensive. You can see the Online Course Creation Software and Tools that I use myself to create my own online courses.

I have a full fledged course called Online Course Launchpad, which you can check out if you really want to learn how to do this quickly. This course consists of 50 videos and 22 hours of video content which teaches you the entire process of creating and selling online courses.

Some of my own photography students have already taken up this course to become photography trainers themselves.

Trust me – Becoming a photography trainer will make you enjoy photography 100 times more than usual.

I hope you join my course and come up to me and say – “Kush, I have become your competitor and have more photography students than you.”

I would be very very happy in losing that competition 🙂

About the Author

portrait photographer for portfolio shoot in pune

Hi there, I'm Kush Sharma, the founder of Creative Pad Media, an organization dedicated to simplifying photography and videography education.

We have over 50 online courses that cover various genres in photography & videography, catering to both beginners as well as professionals. These courses are available via Our courses have been downloaded in over 170 countries.

I hope to see you inside a course very soon!

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