Recommended Food and Product Photography Accessories

Check out our Food Photography and Product Photography Courses which teach you the usage of the accessories shown below.

PVC Backdrops for Surface and Background

PVC backdrops are great for doing Food and Product photography because they replicate the effect of wooden surfaces. They are also easily portable and are very durable. Using these fake designs also saves you a lot of money.

5-in-1 Reflector with Diffusion Panel

A 5-in-1 reflector is very important for Food and Product photography because the reflector helps to fill in the shadows and the diffusion panel helps in creating a very soft light to get that professional looking shot. The diffusion panel also helps in reducing bad looking highlights and reflections.

42 inch Reflector Holding Arm

A reflector holding arm is very important because it makes you hands-free and it also allows you to position the reflector or the diffusion panel at any angle.

Godox SL60W Video Light

A video light is the best option for a beginner food or product photographer. That's because it is easier to use than strobe lights (flash) and also because it enables you to do food or product photography using any camera like a DSLR, Mirrorless or Phone.

Godox 80 cm Softbox With Grid

A softbox will help you to soften the light that comes from the light. It is also essential to buy a softbox that comes with a grid because the grid will help you to make the light more directional. This will avoid any light spill and help you get some really dramatic looking shots in which most of the light is only concentrated on the item that you are shooting.

Basic Photography Light Tent Without Lights

A light tent can be useful if you want to quickly take product and food shots which have a white surface and background. The lights are fired from outside the tent and the diffusion material that the light tent is made of helps in getting soft light. Since the item is covered by the tent, it also helps in removing any unnecessary reflections.

50mm f1.8 Prime Lens

The nifty fifty is perhaps the most popular budget choice for food and product photographers. If you are using a crop sensor camera, you can even go for a 35mm f1.8. Other lenses which are popular for food and product photography include the 24-70mm f2.8 and Macro lenses of all types. As a beginner, you can get started with a kit lens too.

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