
Mobile Macro Photography Using SKYVIK SIGNI 25 mm Macro Clip-on Lens

Today I want to show you two images from my upcoming Mobile Photography Course which will demonstrate the fact that phone manufacturers make up so many marketing gimmicks to sell their phones.

This is from the Macro Photography section in this course that I shot a few days back.

Here is the first image:

And here is the second image:

Isn’t the first image way better?

That’s because for the first image, I DID NOT use the built-in Macro Camera of the phone. Instead I purchased this clip-on Macro lens and used it with the main camera of the phone.

The second image was shot using the built-in macro lens which resulted in a very poor image.

Let’s also see the close-ups of these images.

Here is the first one:

And here is the second one:

Now you can see the difference in quality even more.

That’s because when I use the external clip-on lens, I get to use the main camera at the highest megapixel capacity so the image stays sharp even after cropping.

But using the built-in macro lens, I am restricted only to 5 MP which results in complete deterioration.

Also, it’s not that easy to get Macro shots even when you are using the clip-on lens.

There is a secret involved.

I will be revealing that secret in my course.

Yesterday I finished shooting a very exciting Long Exposure Photography section of this course and the images were phenomenal. I will share them on my Instagram account soon.

Currently I am done with around 50% of the course content so hopefully in two weeks time I should be able to release this course.

I’ve been getting so many inquires about this course that I am actually planning to release it before I fully complete it. Let me know if you will be ok with that. The remaining videos will obviously be added after the release.

Also, this course will assume that you have some basic knowledge of settings like Aperture, Shutter Speed and ISO. So do check out my Basic 6 Course Photography Package for that.

About the Author

portrait photographer for portfolio shoot in pune

Hi there, I'm Kush Sharma, the founder of Creative Pad Media, an organization dedicated to simplifying photography and videography education.

We have over 50 online courses that cover various genres in photography & videography, catering to both beginners as well as professionals. These courses are available via Udemy.com. Our courses have been downloaded in over 170 countries.

I hope to see you inside a course very soon!

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