Recommended Photo & Video Editing Software and Hardware
Most of the tools and software mentioned below are shown in our Editing and Post-Processing Courses. Don’t forget to check them out using the button below.
Best Editing Software for Photos

Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom
Photoshop and Lightroom come together as a package when you purchase the subscription from Adobe. These two software are all you need to edit any kind of photos. And even though there are a lot of other software out there, these have remained the industry standard.
Best Editing Software for Videos
Adobe Premiere Pro
Premiere Pro is undoubtedly the most popular video editing software out there. It offers a great interface and is easy to learn even if you are a complete beginner. Just like Photoshop and Lightroom, you have to purchase a subscription from Adobe to use it.
Best Photo Editing Mobile App
Snapseed MobileApp
Snapseed is a completely free mobile app developed by Google. It can be used to do both basic and advanced editing. The UI is very beginner friendly and the app rarely crashes.
Best Laptop/PC for Photo and Video Editing
Dell Gaming Laptops/XPS (Windows)
MacBook Pro (macOS)
The above two brands are just recommendations. In reality you can use any laptop/PC which has good specs. The three most important specs to focus on are - RAM, Processor and SSD. If you are only into photo editing, then even 8 GB RAM can be sufficient. But if you are also into video editing then at least a 16 GB RAM becomes a must.
Best Budget Tablet for Editing/Retouching
Wacom One (CTL-472)
Tabs by Wacom are amazing when used for editing. Most people use them for retouching purpose because retouching is an art which requires precise control and flowing movement which is tough to achieve with a mouse. A lot of beginners think they need to buy a very expensive Tab. That's not true at all. The aforementioned small sized budged tab by Wacom does a fantastic job too.
Most Popular Tablet for Editing/Retouching
Wacom Intuos Pro
The Intuos Pro series is the most popular among Photoshop users, especially the Instuos Pro Medium. They are more expensive than the Wacom one Tab shown above.
External Hard Disk for Backing Up Photos and Videos
Seagate 1 TB External Hard Disk
It's a good practice to store your photos and videos on an external hard disk. Storing them on your computer is not really ideal since they require a lot of space. 1 TB is more than enough for most people. Ideally, you should have at least one more external hard disk as a back-up, just in case the first one crashes/gets stolen/is lost etc.
Best Website for Finding Freelancers for Editing - Best Place to Hire Freelancers
Fiverr is one of the best places to find a freelancer to do just about anything you want. For instance, a lot of photographers don't like to edit photos or lack the skill to edit a certain type of photo. In this case you can easily and cheaply hire someone form Fiverr. You can also hire freelancers to create marketing material for your photography business or create your photography website. Sky is the limit on Fiverr.