Photography Website Creation Course

This course teaches you how to create a professional photography website where you can display your photography portfolio and services.


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Course Content (29 Videos)

Introduction to the Course

#1 – Introduction to the Course
#2 – Different Platforms That Can be Used to Create a Photography Website
#3 – Why WordPress is the Best Platform for Creating Your Photography Website
#4 – Understanding the Anatomy and Structure of a Website

Understanding Domain Name, Hosting and Website Making Software

#5 – What is a Domain Name?
#6 – What is a Hosting Service?
#7 – What is a Website Making Software or a Content Management System (CMS)?
#8 – What is the Exact Process of Creating a Photography Website Using WordPress?

Buying a Domain Name and Hosting Service

#9 – Buying a Domain Name for Your Photography Website
#10 – Buying Hosting Service for Your Photography Website – Part 1
#11 – Buying Hosting Service for Your Photography Website – Part 2

Connecting Domain Name and Hosting Service and Installing WordPress

#12 – Connecting Domain Name and Hosting Service and Installing WordPress – Part 1
#13 – Connecting Domain Name and Hosting Service and Installing WordPress – Part 2

Installing Photography Theme and Importing Demo Content

#14 – Installing Photography Theme and Importing Demo Content – Part 1
#15 – Installing Photography Theme and Importing Demo Content – Part 2
#16 – Installing Photography Theme and Importing Demo Content – Part 3
#17 – Installing Photography Theme and Importing Demo Content – Part 3

Checking Mobile Responsiveness

#18 – Making Some Initial Changes Inside WordPress and Checking Mobile Responsiveness

Changing the Content on the Website

#19 – Changing the Main Front Page Image – Part 1
#20 – Changing the Main Front Page Image – Part 2
#21 – Changing the Gallery Images – Part 1
#22 – Changing the Gallery Images – Part 2

Changing the Different Pages on the Website

#23 – Changing the About Us Page
#24 – Changing the Contact Us Page
#25 – Making Miscellaneous Changes – Blog, Gallery and Menu

Creating the Website Logo

#26 – Creating the Logo for Website and Business – Part 1
#27 – Creating the Logo for Website and Business – Part 1

Creating the Favicon

#28 – Creating the Website Favicon

Creating a Professional Email ID

#29 – (Optional Video) – Creating a Domain Based Professional Email ID

How to access this course?

This course is available via as we host all our courses there.

portrait photographer for portfolio shoot in pune

About your trainer

Hey there. This is Kush Sharma, your instructor for this course.

I am the founder here at Creative Pad Media, an organization dedicated to simplifying photography, videography and editing education, and providing it in the most affordable fashion.

I have been teaching since 2013. My online courses have been downloaded in over 170 countries.

I hope to see you inside the course!


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